52词语>英语词典>shift up翻译和用法

shift up

英 [ʃɪft ʌp]

美 [ʃɪft ʌp]




  • (开车时)换成高速挡,加速
    When youshift up, you move the gear lever in the vehicle you are driving in order to use a higher gear.
    1. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 change up


    • With the development of economic globalization, pace of international industry shift speeds up.
    • He made shift to scramble up its sides.
    • The knowledge supply chain is a network structure pattern to realize the goal of knowledge economization and profit maximization taking the market as guidance, through knowledge shift and innovation, linking up knowledge supply, innovation, dissemination and usage organically.
    • The malicious code then sought to identify and study the activities of officials with authority to transfer large amounts of cash, using the knowledge to shift amounts of up to$ 10m to special accounts that had been set up in banks in China and the US.
    • Win+ Shift+ Up Arrow and Win+ Shift+ Down Arrow: Maximizes and restores the vertical size of a window.
    • 'If we can shift the IQ up, we would have to invest less resources at the low end.' Meaning that with improved IQ scores across the board, less funding would have to be spent on remedial education programs.
    • Another cleaning shift awaits them later in the day. Each shift can take up to an hour, students said.
    • The shift has shaken up just about everything for everyone, such as Internet portals like AOL and Yahoo; carriers like Verizon and AT& T; and eCommerce ventures like Amazon.
    • Check and make sure every case happened on your shift were followed up in proper way and record on the logbook.
    • Before deselecting, shift the selection up by another3px and press Delete.